the student experiance

with the final project for the class and the project that we did with the toy car and and the task that we finished we were task of make an interview in the studio at Durham college the problems that we had with the studio that it was a mess and was not set up right it took mostly and hour and half to set it and get thing ready and we also of problem with the audio because people were talk and there were lots more

so with all the hard work and detrmaniton and every thing not going right we made an awsome video with an awsome team but here the behind the scene video that we did

then here the final video

the toy car picture

a couple of weeks ago my teacher and the whole class had a mission to complet a good an awsome picture with a white back ground and a toy car and fake trees and fake snow and you wonder how we can make a awsome picture using those props . but we answer the question

so we had troubles like some camera wernt working the tree had to be in a certain plance the wheels look like they were rusted and everything that can go wrong did go wrong but we fight thru it and got an awsome photo out of it

but with out know what we did we had to shoot some b roll and some of behind the scenes of the work so my amazing friend steven did amazing edit to the behind the scenes and it looks awsome

the trouble working with smoke bombs

for the assignment for take 5 pictures was hard because do you really want to take picture of people that you don’t know or do you want to think of a idea for the 5 portrait but i had a trouble of doing that and with school and all the stress that i have so i decided i was already using smoke bombs for a photo shoot and a video so let use the one i didnt use yet i will take a photo with those and we had trouble because using smoke were diffucltt because they are so small and the lighting was hard because of the time of the day and the weather was hard because i had to lay on the ground and it was cold on my body and i was getting dirty because people had walk over the area and it was diffcult becuase i had someone was handing me the props every time i was done take one of the pictures

so setting up the picture for the assignment was hard because of the timing and and the weather and finding people to help me with the assignment it was difficult to take the picture and find the right one

so while take the pictures it was cold because i was laying on top of the snow and it was windy and i was afraid that i was going to get in trouble because you are not really to have smoke bombs because they do count of a firework and if anyone saw it i be in big trouble

but although i survive the weather and the time and and finding the people and my camera messing up i had fun

the videos that decided what i want to do in life

for are whole life we been ask what do we want to be when we grow up or what do we want to do with are life and we always say oh i want to be a police officer or be a doctor or we say that we dont know what we want to be when we are older

so that was my problem . at first i wanted to be a police officer then i wanted to be with DJ then i was what the hell i work retail for my whole life and deal what life has dealt me and i know i was hiding a talent and i know i was a dream because ever since i was a child i wanted to change music video or think of video ideas or cartoons or anything i know that i had a passion for video but i did know that it was a passion i thought it was me being silly but there it was

the one of many video that change me it was a group of people from Austin Texas who really got me into you tube and the podcast scene has i didn’t watch any other you tube video and they were call the achievement hunter from the company roster teeth from Austin Texas with there video game game plays call lets play

then after watching those video i watch other video like vlogs or anything then i saw the type of the video that i want to do buy a you tube channel called Taylor cut films and after the my dream was completed because he show me that you can travel the world or do a simple video that is only 40 sec and it amazing how it show and how it easy to create and easy to learn

then after that i be subscribing into people who use a lot of cinematic video like mark dohner or jr Ali or anyone who does this anyone who create magic with most people think that is just b- roll

so that why i love what i am going to do and i am proud of finding my passion

the 1 minute commercial that three people made with awesome music and awesome actors

so has the class is almost over and the project are getting a lot thought we were hit with a task to make a commercial or something funny to engage people and to catch someone eyes and they will say hey i like that video

when we got the task i look at my two favorite classmate and said we should work together but the problem was we forgot what date it was due and making time to get all of us in but some how we did it . so we decided to do it on thew thursday and to get it done so we can go home and not to stay late ,

so one of my classmate (Steven) thought of idea . and his idea what one of the actors Michelle was so happy that she got an A on her test and with that she was drinking her tea but it was a dream so when she woke up the she notice that it was all a dream and she got a bad grade and no tea but then she over hear her class mate behind her . and she notice that her class mate got her a for the test and got his coffee . so it show that your dreams can say one thing but in real life it totally different

Benjamin Von Wong : the guy who can create art out of everything

the photographer that i like and chose for this assignment is Benjamin Von wong that reason why i chose this photographer because i like how he does his photography and that when he make the set of the photo it is kool how is picture turn out with just a simple set.

so who is Benjamin Von Wong. Benjamin is a a photographer who shoot hyper realist photographer at the age of 32 Benjamin Von Wong shoot photo of stuff that we don’t think of what we doing with like are electronics or what we do with are plastic bottle and simple like that or how the Eco system is with our sharks and how they help with the Eco system

how Benjamin Von Wong shares his work is that he has a you tube channel and a 500 pk and he has his own website to so you can check his work on his website or his 500pk or if you want to see how he does his photo like a behind the scene of his photo and how he thought of his idea

my favorite comercail

so my favorite comercaial that I chose was a state farm i like this sate farm commercial because i like how the wife think her husband his cheating on her and it funny how he is telling the truth and she still dosent believe him and he keeps convincing her that is Jake from sate farm and it funny how she ask what he is wearing and he tell her what he wearing and she still dosent believe him